Who Are You Dancing With?

Who is Your Dance Partner in Life?

Life is an amazing party!

Music is all around us whether you hear it with your physical ears or not, it is there and plays all day every day, it never stops. And you could say the vibrations are looking for dance partners to tune into their frequency.

Everything you do creates a vibration and calls out to like vibrations to come and dance with you. What type of music are you dancing to?

What are the frequencies you are dancing to?

Is it Negative or Positive music? Is it mean, hateful, stressful or is it kind, loving, soothing. Seriously, let’s think about this.

Every thought, every word, every expression, every step of life dances to the frequencies of that thought, word, expression, step of life.

Everything in the universe has a frequency. Yes, even the chair you are sitting in at this moment or bed you may be laying in, all vibrates. Be still a few minutes and think on this.

Amazing, Isn’t it? There are low to high frequencies depending on what it is. Your soul, which is your mind, will and emotions, is where you tune into the frequency that you want in life.

Yes, you decide, you get to choose. If you choose negative thoughts and words you will receive more negative situations in life. If you choose positive thoughts and words you will receive more positive situations in life. Yes! You can choose and benefit from your choice.

Dance your way out of depression

This brings me to my next point. Take responsibility of your choices. If you do not like your life do what it takes to change your life by changing the way you think and speak and change your life’s partner so to speak. Choose to dance with positive vibrations instead. Go ahead, clap your hands, raise your head, laugh out loud on purpose, sing a song, hum a tune. Take control of your thoughts and fine tune them to life vibrations.

Who is your dance partner?

How do you dance in life? You could say that your dance is your body language and emotions which resonates from your soul which is your mind, will and emotions. It begins with thought vibrations and when partnered with your will produces choices and words…all vibrating to the tune of whatever you choose.

Your Soul is the Dance Floor.

Your soul is the place where you choose your partner or accept an invitation to dance with a partner. Let me give you an example. Opportunities come every moment. If you were in an argument with someone, you have the choice to stay calm, cool and collective and choose your own “life” dance partner in the situation or you can swing on over to anger, hate, and un-forgiveness and dance to the tune of negative (death) vibrations. As you dance with your partner you will listen to what he/she says and you follow the steps of your choice until you decide to change your partner. You can even be in the middle of the dance and realize this is not right and change partners to a different beat. You choose. You always have a choice. You have a way of escape.

Therefore, it is important to choose your partner with the purpose to dance “life” frequencies. Don’t just accept any invitation to dance with any partner that comes along no matter how you feel at that moment. Think before you dance. Is it good? Is it right? Is it life?

Are you dancing to the vibrations of offence, anger, depression, fear or failure? Or are you dancing to the vibrations of love, forgiveness, kindness, joy, peace, faith or success? There are life and death frequencies playing all around us. Choose life and live a healthier and happier life.

Opportunities come every moment of every day. You decide who you dance with. Will it be with Love or Anger? Will it be trust or fear? Always remember you choose and by not choosing you have still chosen.

Dance in the freedom of life. When Obstacles come dance to the side and go around. Keep dancing to the tune of love. Thinking positive is like adding music so you can dance.

Attitude is everything. Life frequencies will take you to awesome opportunities as it is the avenue to success in life.

Change your way of thinking (change your partner) and change your life.

©Jennifer DeLoach 05/01/2017



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