What Are You Paying Attention To?

Come with me and let me show you the most valuable thing that you have. No, it is not money, land, gold, silver or anything else considered valuable. You have something so much more valuable than those things…that you may have overlooked it.  Everything and everyone is after your valuable treasure. It is in your […]

What Are Your Pet Peeves?

What Are Your Pet Peeves? How Many Do You Have? What does Pet Peeve mean to you? The dictionary defines pet peeve as a particular recurring source of irritation, most cherished dislike or continual annoyance. It is something that provokes one – the most. Today we are going to address and expose the pet peeves? […]

Kill The Killer Thoughts That Are Trying To Kill You!

As I was waking up one morning the thought came to me, “Kill those Killer Thoughts that are trying to kill you!” it was like a thought that came into my head that was giving me instructions as I was coming out of sleep. I was in awe of it. Immediately I was wide awake, […]

What Are You Thinking?

What’s On Your Mind? It Will Make A Difference In The Situation! Proverbs 4:23 tells us to guard our hearts with all diligence for out of it (our heart)are the issuesof life. (parenthesis added by author) This tells us plainly that it is our responsibility to protect what goes in and out of our hearts […]