What Are Your Pet Peeves?

What Are Your Pet Peeves? How Many Do You Have?

What does Pet Peeve mean to you?

The dictionary defines pet peeve as a particular recurring source of irritation, most cherished dislike or continual annoyance. It is something that provokes one – the most.

Today we are going to address and expose the pet peeves? Seems funny, right? Can you picture you pet peeve as a pet that you feed and nourish so that it can stay healthy and functioning in your life?  Do you see your pet peeve as something that is a part of you?

Some examples of pet peeves are:

A neighbor’s cat that comes in your yard and sits at your bird feeder waiting for a bird…

Someone tailgating you as you are driving…

Cars going by with their music so loud, booming excessively, as you are relaxing in your yard.

Waiting in a cashier’s line while someone, who forgot something, goes to quickly grab one more item before they pay…

Someone who talks excessively…

Someone acting in particular ways that upsets you…

Rolling of the eyes…

Waving of the hands…

People telling you how to do something different than what you know is right to do…

Someone lying to you…

Someone in their car braking quickly in front of you and there is no one is ahead of them…

That is just a few…and the list goes on and on…

What is your pet peeve?  Think about it a moment. What are things that upset you in an instant? What is it that steals your joy, takes away your smile and ruins your day? What is it that makes you angry in an instant? Could that be a pet peeve? What pet peeve do you have and allow to be in your life?

Pet peeve…let’s imagine this for a moment… and see it for what it really is. Pet peeves actually live in your soul (the mind, will and the emotions). They are nourished by your attention and commitment to allow them to be free to express themselves. Can you imagine the pet peeve wagging its tail or looking up at you in delight as you let it be free to do what it wants? Seems funny, I know… but in reality… it is a wrong emotion that has been free to express itself without resistance.


Did you know that when you call it a “pet” peeve that you took ownership of that peeve…that attitude…and gave it permission to stay and function in your life? On the other hand, you may not call those instant moments of a shift in your attitude a pet peeve, but either way you look at it, it is stealing from you.

How are pet peeves stealing from you?

1-They are stealing moments of your life that you could have enjoyed. The pet peeve sounded off and your day goes to petting your peeve so that you, not even realizing the dangers of it, allow it to grow bigger in your life. (Believe me, I know this from experience)

2-Pet Peeves are an emotion that creates stress and we all know what stress does to the body and to your day and let’s not forget what it does to those around you.

Some like their pet peeves so much that they say, “This is just the way I am and I am not changing.” They are reluctant to get rid of their pet peeve. Then the pet peeve grows bigger and bigger as it takes more and more control of its owner. The pet peeve leads the owner where ever it wants because it is free to express and free to sound off without resistance.

For example…and no pun intended…I love dogs too 🙂 but I think it is a good analogy to use to help explain how “Pet Peeves” work.  Have you ever seen a big healthy dog on a leash or several dogs on leashes leading its owner where-ever it wants to go? The dog was so huge, or there were so many dogs that the owner had no control. That is kind of what it’s like. When the pet peeves are allowed to grow, they are able to lead its owner where-ever it desires.

Do you see the dangers of pet peeves or wrong emotions? How can you destroy a pet peeve? Sounds odd, doesn’t it to say you want to destroy a “PET”? First it is imperative that we disown the pet peeve. We do this by saying and acting out our decision to rid ourselves of all pet peeves.

When something happens that usually your pet peeve jumps up to express itself and sound off you immediately (or at least as quick as possible) say, “This peeve is no longer my pet…this emotion no longer has permission to express itself through me! It is no longer a part of me!”

It comes with the quality decision and a following through with that decision and know that it is a process that as you walk it out you will be free of all those pet peeves. Ask God to help you and as you develop in your love walk toward others and your-self you will be amazed how much happier your life will be.

Thank you for allowing me to share this with you. Remember when a pet peeve exposes itself to deal with it immediately, keep your joy and stay in love! 😊

©Jennifer DeLoach 07/14/2017

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