Do Words Matter?

Words Matter!

First it helps to understand that our eyes, ears, mouth, and what we think are gates into our soul. Therefore, it is important to be careful what we look at, listen to, think about, and what we say because out of our soul (which is the mind, will and emotions) come the very issues we face in life. What issues are you facing?

Let’s talk about the importance of the words and why we should choose them carefully. Have you heard the cliche, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”? That is a total lie! Words can cut deep and destroy a person or it can lift a person up and encourage them to go forward in life.

Have you thought about how powerful our WORDS are?  Words have the power within themselves to bring about what it says. Words are filled with the attitude of the heart and brings it into the natural realm. You could say that WORDS are literally “CONTAINERS or VESSELS” in which the attitude of the heart flows through to reach those who are around us and the situations around us. It is amazing how powerful words are. Words can steal, kill and destroy or they can heal, replenish and give life.

Have you ever heard anyone say negative things to you? How did you respond? How did you feel? If you took what they said and thought on what they said it has the power to change the way you think about yourself or whatever they were talking about. Words have power to heal or kill a person’s soul. Words have power to change destinies…and so much more. Words Matter!

Think about it! How many containers or vessels are around you? On my desk, there are containers of paperclips, pens, tissue, flowers, cleanser, salt and pepper. What vessels do you see?  I regularly fill these containers so that I can have it when I need it. What goes in comes out. The same with our soul. What we fill our soul (heart) with is what is available for us. We can see by this analogy that it is important to fill our hearts with good thoughts, life thoughts, thoughts that bring about good in you (and others). Thoughts become words, so think thoughts that inspire and give life.  Be aware of what your thoughts are, because it will make a difference between life or death words you speak.

A good analogy to demonstrate WORDS is a well, which is filled with water and a bucket to draw the water so that one can be refreshed with the cool drink. The well represents the heart. The water represents the attitude. The bucket represents WORDS that draw out what is inside the heart. Our WORDS are a product of what is in our HEARTS. What is inside comes out in the form of WORDS.  What goes in will come out. WORDS go in our HEARTS and WORDS come out of our HEARTS… Round and round it goes. We can even change our own heart with WORDS we speak to ourselves by this same process. It depends on the WORDS we hear and receive.


I dare to say that WORDS are one of the most important things that mankind are responsible to use wisely. What are people hearing from you? How are you making a difference in someone’s life? How are people affected by your WORDS? Think about this. What WORDS are you speaking to others? What WORDS are you speaking to yourself? It may be an awesome revelation just to record what you say in a day!

WORDS can change a person’s life. WORDS can hurt or it can heal. WORDS can reach out with hate or reach out in love. Choose WORDS carefully. Be a doer of God’s Word and make the commitment to release WORDS to love.

PRAYER: Lord, help me to be more aware of the Words that I speak. Help me to see that Words are vessels that I release my attitude in. May I speak Words that will always be spoken with right attitudes so that each Word spoken makes a difference in the lives of others. Amen!

©Jennifer DeLoach 01/01/2006

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